Thursday 28 February 2013

Animals of Grenada

One thing that is fun about being here in Grenada is I am learning about different types of animals that I have never seen before.  Let me tell you what I learned:
There are lots of little lizards running through the grass and crawling up the walls.  They are cute and most are small.  They are called Geckos and Whiptails.  One day when I was walking to the beach, I saw a tiny lizard that was so cute.  They don't scare me because they are tiny and cute.  My brother Jamin tries to catch them but they are too fast for him.
Another type of lizard is the Iguana.  They are about the size of a small cat and sometimes people have them as pets.  They have really long tails.  I learned from the Awake magazine that they use their long tail to help them jump.  My mom touched the back and feet of the Iguana in this picture.  She said it was very soft.  I also learned that Iguanas have a third eye on the top of their head that looks like a pale scale.  I think i would look funy if I had a third eye.

2) Sea creatures

One type of sea creature is a turtle.  One day we saw someone who had pet turles.  They keep them in a cage.  We plan to go snorkling soon when we will probably see more turtles in the ocean.

Another type of sea creature that we see alot of is crabs.   The large rocks along the side of the ocean often have several little crabs on them.  But when I walk up to them, the crabs hide.  It is amazing how they can even walk upsidedown on the bottom side of the rock surfaces and they don't fall off.

There are also crabs that live in the sand and holes in the grass.  They dig holes that they live in.  When we walk along the beach sometimes we see several crabs that run and jump in their holes when they see us coming.  This is a picture of our pet crab that lives in a hole in our yard.  He digs his hole deaper everyday.  We often see him at the edge of his hole.

We also found a Hermit Crab.  Hermit crabs live in a shell and they live by the water.  They are also hard to see because they try to hide in their shell. 

3) Monkeys
One day we were on an adventure and a guy let me hold his monkey.  The monkey sat on my sholder.  This is the first monkey I ever saw.  I never knew it could be so light. He was eating peas.
I didn't know that monkeys would live in Grenada, but my friends told me about a place where there are lots of monkeys that like to eat your bananas.  We are going to visit those monkeys soon.

4) Dogs and cats
There are also dogs and cats here just like we have at home.  Most of the cats are shy, but one day we saw a cute kitty that wasn't shy and let us pet her.
There is also a dog that comes to visit me every night.  My dad doesn't let me have a dog at home, so I like it when I get to play with this dog that comes to visit.  He is the nicest dog I have ever met in my life.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Missing Home

We have been here for exactly three weeks and I am starting to miss home.  Even though we had a lot of fun at the beach today, I miss my friends, my kittens, and comfy bed at home. 
My cats names are Pepper and Precious.  I wonder if they miss me?

I know it is still cold and there is snow at home, but it is still home to me. (home sweet home)

I miss you all!

Monday 25 February 2013


Concord Falls
Today I learned that I love Waterfalls.  We went to three different waterfalls at three different places in Grenada:  Concord Falls, Annadale Falls, and Royal Mount Carmel Falls.

The first waterfall was called Concord Falls.  My brothers had fun diving off a 10 foot cliff into the pool of water at the bottom of the falls.  I liked swimming in the water, but I didn't jump off the cliff.  The waterfall was so beautiful because the water was so clear.  There were also lots of big rocks to sit on while the water rushed past our feet.

After swimming at the Concord falls, we went to the Annandale Falls.  When we got there, I got to hold a Monkey - he was so cute.  My friends told me there are lots of monkies in Grenada, but this is the only one I have seen so far. Then we had a picnic before we swam under the falls.  I liked these falls because the pool wasn't so deep and rocky and we could go behind the waterfall.  I would have liked to swim here all day, but we had to leave early enough to go to the next waterfall.

Royal Mount Carmel Falls
Then we traveled to the otherside of Grenada to Royal Mount Carmel Falls.  This was a very high waterfall - my mom told me it is over 70 feet high.  There were also some smaller waterfalls down the river that my brothers slid down like a waterslide.  I couldn't slide down the river waterslide because the water at the bottom was too deep.

We also picked some cocoa from the trees growing next to the falls.  My dad cut it in half and gave me a white cocoa bean from inside.  I tried sucking on it, but I didn't really like it.  Mom says they make chocolate by drying these cocoa beans and then griding them into powder.  I think the chocolate tastes better then sucking the juice off the beans.

WOW, what a busy day.  I never knew there were so many waterfalls in Grenada. 

Monday 18 February 2013

The Beach

My favorate thing to do is go to the beach.  I am always asking my mom to take me to the beach.  I am glad that we are living very close to the beach so we can go everyday.
Why do I like the beach so much?
  1. I like to cool down in the water on a hot day. (every day here is hot)
  2. It is fun to play in the waves.
  3. I can build things in the sand.
  4. I can relax and sun tan.
  5. I like to look for sea shells on the beach.
You should come visit us so you can go to the beach too.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Introducing Grenada

This is Arysa in Grenada.  I was so excited to finally get here after waiting and waiting.  I got here on February 5th.  I also brought along my 3 brothers, my Auntie Amy, and my mom and dad.

It was a long ride in an airplane to get here.  Plus we had to wait for a long time at the Miami airport.

We have been in Grenada for a week now and it is everything I hoped for.  Grenada is an Island in the southern part of the Caribean.  It has great beaches and great weather.

We are staying in a house that is on the ocean.  It is beautiful to watch the sun set over the ocean every night.

I have already learned many new things and plan to record some of the things I learn and do here in this blog.  So I hope you enjoy it.

- Arysa