Wednesday 11 January 2017

Good Bye Grenada

They say all good things must come to an end. :(

The time has come for us to travel back to Canada.  This week included a few last visits to the beach, some last minute shopping, and one last day in the ministry.

On Monday, it was family picture day.  We planned this for a long time - we wanted to get our family picture done here with the beautiful views in the background.  It turned out to be a hot day, but we got some great shots.

On Tuesday,
We did some shopping and then to the BBC beach.  We met up with Robert and Ruby there.  Also, this time we went on their Water Park, which is slides and obstacals floating on the water that we played on.  Jayden and my brothers jumped off the top, but that was too scary for me.

On Wednesday,
In the morning I worked in the Ministry work with Scott.  We were talking to people at their businesses.
After working with Scott, I went on a return visit with Jayden.  She is a really nice girl who wants to study the bible.

Then I got a chocolate Frappe at the Grenada Coffee shop.

Then we went to the beach for our last time.:(
The weather was perfect for the beach today, but the waves were bigger then usually.  My mom got hit by a wave so she lost her sun glasses and my brother lost his snorkeling goggles.  But the waves were fun to.
Unfortunately, I have to say Good Bye to Grenada. 

Sunday 8 January 2017

Grenada 2017

Well it is now the year 2017 and our stay in Grenada is almost over - we only have 3 days left before we go back to the Cold :( and my Cats :)
Here is a update of what we did this week.

On Monday we went to Concord Falls.  That is a water fall that is very pretty and it is fun to swim in the water below the waterfall.  We also took some new friends, Amie and Micah, that we met at the La Taunte congregation on Saturday.  They were from Tacoma, Washington and they are need-greaters that came to Grenada to help for 4 months.  They also brought along two other sisters that are visiting from California named Amy and Brenna.  I love meeting new people.

On Tuesday, we went in the ministry with Robert and Ruby.  It rained a bit, but we still had a fun morning.

Then we went to the beach in the afternoon, and then went to the Prickly Bay restaurant for supper.  At the restaurant we sat outside, and they played a trivia game while we ate. 

On Wednesday I had to do some school work, but then went to the beach in the afternoon.  School work is easier when I know I will get to go to the beach.  :)

Then on Thursday and Friday, I had to look after my brothers because mom and dad went on a little vacation by themselves and left me to babysit.  It was a tough job, but somebody has to do it.  It rained too much to go to the beach or in service so I didn't do much.  At the meeting on Thursday night, each of my 3 brothers had a part - Tyler did the Digging for Gems part, Lucas did the reading for the Bible Study, and Jamin did the concluding prayer.  It was a busy night.

On Saturday the sun came out again.  In the morning I worked in service with Donna - I really like working with her in service.  Then on Saturday afternoon, we met up with Shane and Alyssa and drove to the North end of Grenada to meet up with mom and dad at the hotel they stayed at - Petite Anse.  I swam in the pool there and then we had supper there.

On Sunday, we went to our last meeting here.  My mom cried because we are going to miss all the friends in the congregation.  Then we went to the Calabash resort for lunch.  We know the chef - Mark.  It is an awesome restaurant on the beach and Mark is an awesome chef.
I played chess on a huge chessboard on the beach.

After an awesome lunch and coconut ice cream, we went to the beach. Sometimes I play a game with my brothers in the water where I pretend to baptize them. :)

After it got dark, we went to Prickly Bay again to watch an outdoor movie while eating pizza. 

Wow, that was a busy week.  We leave on Thursday morning, so we only have 3 more days to go to the beach. Check back later for those details.