Sunday 31 March 2013

Fred, Freddy, and Fredrick

Fred, Freddy, and Fredrick are the names of the 3 puppies that showed up at our house last night.  Their mom couldn't look after them. They are so skinny their ribs were showing and one could hardly walk. I don't think they have eaten for along time. We decided we have to look after them and try to find a home for them.

Saturday 30 March 2013


Yesterday we had a fun games day with my friends in the Woodlands congregation in Grenada.  I learned some new games that I have never heard of.

First we did a sack race.  In this race, we put a big sack around our feet and hop in it.  Ronika and I tied for first place in this race.  I can't beleive I didn't fall down.

After the sack race, we did a relay race.  A relay race is where you have a team that passes a baton from one player to the next until they get to the finish line.   

We also did a tug of war.  This is the first time I tried a tug of war.  My team didn't win, but it was fun.

We also did a lot of skipping.  I like jump rope.  I also learned a new kind of skipping called Chinese Jump Rope.  Chinese Jump Rope uses a stretchy rope that you twist around as you jump between it.

I also learned a new game like baseball called Cricket.  I had never heard of this before but they play it alot here.  At first I couldn't remember the name of the game and I called it Grasshopper instead of Cricket Smiley.  In Cricket you have a flat bat and hit a ball like a tennis ball.

Friday 29 March 2013

Finger Prints

Today a Police officer in Grenada took my finger prints.  He had to do this because last night when we were at the meeting someone broke into our house and stole my pink iPod, pink computer, and pink suit case.  The robber also took some other computers from my family. 

At first I was very sad that some of my things were stolen.  But dad told me we will go shopping for new stuff, so I guess it will be okay. 

I was also scared that the robber might come again.  But a friend named Ricky came and borded up the broken door so that they wouldn't be able to get in again.

It is not nice when people break in and steal, but at least we didn't get hurt.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Preparing for the Memorial

The Memorial of Jesus death is tonight.  For 3 weeks we have been inviting people to the Memorial.  I am not a publisher yet, but I was able to give the Memorial Invitation to people we met in the ministry work.  I helped my mom and dad invite a lot of people.  I hope we see some of them tonight. 
In the ministry here in Grenada, we do a lot of walking and the hills are steep.  Here is a picture of me and mom in the ministry on Saturday.  We also have to drink a lot of water because it is hot.

We also helped get the
Kingdom Hall ready for the Memorial.  We met with the Woodlands congregation on Saturday to do the cleaning.  I helped mom clean the windows.  My brothers cleaned the lights and fans and chairs.  We also watered the trees and watched as they trimmed the old leaves from the Banana trees.  There are almost 100 Banana trees.

On Sunday, we went to another town called Grenville to help them paint their Kingdom Hall.  I helped mom and dad work all day on Sunday and Monday painting the Kingdom Hall in Grenville.

In Grenville, there are a lot of deaf people who speak sign language.  They have a sign language group in their congregation.  A brother named Bradley taught me some sign language.  I learned how to say "I love Dad" in sign language.  We are going to the meeting there next Saturday.  Maybe I will learn some more sign language.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Another Monkey

I saw another Monkey yesterday. This is third time I saw a monkey in Grenada. I told you about the other monkeys before.

The monkey I saw yesterday was when we were in the ministry. He lived at one of the houses we visited. When he first saw me he got really excited. He liked to hold my hand and pull my finger. He followed me as we walked along the road.

It would be fun to have a pet monkey!  Maybe I will have a pet monkey in the paradise.

Wednesday 20 March 2013


Yesterday we went Snorkeling again.  This is the second time I have been snorkeling in the deep ocean water.  I love snorkeling because you can just keep on swimming for a long time.  With a snorkel and face mask, I can put my head in the water and watch the fish. 

There are so many fish in the ocean.  We saw fish that had black and yellow stripes, others were silver, and others were orange.  I can get so close to the fish that I can almost touch them.   

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Swimming at Eldred's

I love to swim. And I really love to visit friends that have a swimming pool. Yesterday we visited our friends Scott and Donna. They live here in Grenada. They moved here 12 years ago from New York state.

Donna is a very good cook. She made my favorite lunch - lasagna. And after lunch we did my favorite thing - SWIM!!

Scott and Donna also have a dog named Biwi who liked to swim with me. I pretended I was a life guard and had to save my brothers. I like swimming in a pool because the water is clear and I can see underwater.

I wish I had a swimming pool at my house.

Monday 18 March 2013

Bath at the Beach

Many of the local people who live near the beach in Grenada don't have a bath tub in their house, so they bath at the beach.  Some people get up early, about 5:00 AM, to have an early morning bath.  Others go to the ocean after they are done work for the day at about 6:00 PM to have a bath. 

A bath in the ocean means more than just a swim.  It includes scrubing with sand and ocean rocks.  Mom says the ocean rocks are like a pumice stone that we could buy at the store in Canada.  It is great for cleaning the skin and getting rid of dead skin. 
I wish I had an ocean at home to bath in everyday.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Tropical Fruit

One thing I like about Grenada is there is fruit growing on the trees everywhere we go.  The fruit here is different than the fruit that grows in Canada.  Let me tell you about the fruits that I saw yesterday.

There is a Mango tree in our yard.  Mangos are about the size of a small orange.  Sometimes I find them on the ground outside our house after they fell off the tree.  I pick them up and bring them in to my mom.  She peals the Mango and cuts out the large seed in the middle.  Sometimes she puts the Mango in a salad or in a dessert.  My brothers like to eat the Mango fruit but I don't really like it.

Golden Apple
Yesterday when we were in the Ministry, Brother Burk showed me the Golden Apples.  They don't look like apples and they don't taste like apples, but they call them Golden Apples here in Grenada. We found some while we walked in the Ministry. When we got home my dad pealed one for me so I could try it.  It was orange and very sweet inside.  I didn't think I would like it but it taste pretty good.
I like Bananas, but I had never seen them grow on trees before.  We see them on trees all over the place here in Grenada.  They always grow in a big bunch with a huge flower hanging below the bananas.  The bananas are still green when they are growing on the tree.  After we pick them, we have to wait until they turn yellow before we can eat them.
I also tried the small bananas.  They are cute.  They look like a banana but are really short.  The people here call them rock figs.  They kind of taste like a regular banana, but they are harder.  I like regular bananas better.

Passion Fruit
I have seen Passion Fruit juice before, but I had never seen a Passion Fruit.  Yesterday, Brother Burk found a Passion Fruit tree and gave me a Passion Fruit.  It was perfectly round, but is very light weight.  If kind of feels like a styrofoam ball.  The inside of it is full of seeds so it is hard to eat, but the juice from it is very good.

Sapodilla is another fruit that we saw growing on trees.  It is also round but has a hairy skin on it.  I haven't tasted it yet so I don't know what they taste like.  Here is a video of them picking Sapodilla for us:

Monday 4 March 2013

Monkeys of Grenada

Today we went to see the Monkeys - and I mean the real monkeys, not just my brothers.  They are in the center part of Grenada in a area called Grand Etang

When we first got to the area, we stopped the car and called the monkeys.  They didn't come at first, but after a while they started to come to us.  We brought bananas to feed them.  The monkeys really liked the bananas.  After our bananas were all gone, they still wanted more.  One monkey pulled on Tyler's shirt because he wanted more food. 

Here is a video of us feeding the Monkeys.

Sunday 3 March 2013

New Grenada Friends

I have made alot of new friends here in Grenada.  I still miss my friends back home, but it is nice to have so many friends here too.

Last week some new friends came over to play a game of Catan with us.  Their names are Roydon, Ronika, and Rondika.  Ronika is just a little older them me. They had never played Catan before so we taught them how.  Rondika and I almost won, but Roydon was the final winner even though it was his first time playing.

Yesterday, some other new friends came over - Ricky and Elen.  Ricky is an elder in the congregation.  They had lots of stories to tell.  Ricky likes to tease me and I like to hide on him.  Mom made a delicious supper with coffee rub Pork and mango salad. 

For lunch today we went to a very nice restaurant on the beach that is run by another friend in the congregation named Mark.  He was the one who did the cooking.  Their french fries were the best.  The restaurant was very fancy and had palm trees growing all around it.

Tonight we went to a party at another friends home (Mike and Valerie).  It was a going away party for Ryan, Shelly, Liam, and Chase, because they are going back to Canada on Wednesday.  We swam in the pool and danced.  It was a really fun party and I made many more new friends.

It is nice to have so many friends.  When I go home I will be happy to see my friends in Canada again, but then I will miss my friends from Grenada.