Sunday 10 March 2013

Tropical Fruit

One thing I like about Grenada is there is fruit growing on the trees everywhere we go.  The fruit here is different than the fruit that grows in Canada.  Let me tell you about the fruits that I saw yesterday.

There is a Mango tree in our yard.  Mangos are about the size of a small orange.  Sometimes I find them on the ground outside our house after they fell off the tree.  I pick them up and bring them in to my mom.  She peals the Mango and cuts out the large seed in the middle.  Sometimes she puts the Mango in a salad or in a dessert.  My brothers like to eat the Mango fruit but I don't really like it.

Golden Apple
Yesterday when we were in the Ministry, Brother Burk showed me the Golden Apples.  They don't look like apples and they don't taste like apples, but they call them Golden Apples here in Grenada. We found some while we walked in the Ministry. When we got home my dad pealed one for me so I could try it.  It was orange and very sweet inside.  I didn't think I would like it but it taste pretty good.
I like Bananas, but I had never seen them grow on trees before.  We see them on trees all over the place here in Grenada.  They always grow in a big bunch with a huge flower hanging below the bananas.  The bananas are still green when they are growing on the tree.  After we pick them, we have to wait until they turn yellow before we can eat them.
I also tried the small bananas.  They are cute.  They look like a banana but are really short.  The people here call them rock figs.  They kind of taste like a regular banana, but they are harder.  I like regular bananas better.

Passion Fruit
I have seen Passion Fruit juice before, but I had never seen a Passion Fruit.  Yesterday, Brother Burk found a Passion Fruit tree and gave me a Passion Fruit.  It was perfectly round, but is very light weight.  If kind of feels like a styrofoam ball.  The inside of it is full of seeds so it is hard to eat, but the juice from it is very good.

Sapodilla is another fruit that we saw growing on trees.  It is also round but has a hairy skin on it.  I haven't tasted it yet so I don't know what they taste like.  Here is a video of them picking Sapodilla for us:

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