Saturday 31 December 2016

End of 2016

Today is the last day of 2016 but we are staying in Grenada for another 2 weeks.  Time has gone by fast, but I am anxious to get back to my cats.

Speaking of my cats, I have made friends with some cats here.  On Wednesday at the beach, I saw a little grey cat that looks just like my Sid at home.  The little cat was so cute and so friendly. :)

There is also an Orange cat at the house were we live that is so cute and friendly - she even came in and slept in our bed.

So let me tell you about the events this week.
On Monday we went in the ministry.  I have to use an umbrella in the ministry because the sun is so hot.

Then on Monday afternoon, we went on a road trip to the north end of the Island to a place called Petite Anse.  I love to swim in the pool there that overlooks the ocean.  We also had supper there.

On Tuesday, I had to do school work, but we went out for pizza with a bunch of friends we met at Shane's wedding.  Some were going back to Guyana so it was nice to see them again before they left.

On Wednesday we went to the beach at the Rex.

This video shows the little snails I saw.

We also watched the sunset.

Thursday was school work day again.  On Friday we had our missionary friends, Robert and Ruby over for the evening and I showed them my card tricks. ;)

Today we went in the ministry again this morning.  It was a hot morning and we climbed some very steep hills.  We needed a rest after that. 

We are going to the meeting at Robert and Ruby's congregation this evening.  Their meeting is at 5PM on Saturday.  That is a weird time to me, but I guess that's what works best for them.
I guess this is my last post this year. But we will still be in Grenada next year (ie. tomorrow)

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