Friday 6 December 2019

Nov 17-21,2019 - Melbourne tours

November 17, 2019 - Landed in Australia

We just arrived in Melbourne, Australia! We are here for the International Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I am traveling with my family plus my cousins, Jacob and Jayna, and my aunts, Carrie and Amy.  There was a welcome committee of many loving friends to greet us as we got off the plane!

On our first day down-under, we toured downtown Melbourne.  The buildings here have such beautiful architecture! And we saw other friends who were also here for the convention everywhere we went.

November 18, 2019 - Ministry and Evening Gathering 

We had to get up early to travel with our tour group to a small city south east of Melbourne where we spent the morning in the ministry with the Pakenham Congregation.  The main focus of our ministry was to invite others to the Convention.

At lunchtime, we were invited to the Sorace family home for a delicious 3 course Italian meal. Sam, Connie, and Ben were so hospitable.  They treated us like royalty.  What a privledge it was to meet them!

Next we travelled to the special Evening Gathering at the Melbourne Assembly Hall, which is is north west of Melbourne.  There was an amazing crowd of brothers and sister to meet us when we arrived.

The program featured a live show where the actors travel back in time in a TimTam Time Machine to show the history of Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia.  Here is a short clip from the show.  Check out the Giant TimTam Time Machine on the stage!

After the program concluded, everyone joined in a giant barbeque outside.  We tried Kangaroo hop-dogs, as Jamin called them. And I tried Vegemite for the first time - they say you either love it or hate it - I don't think I loved it.

November 19, 2019 - Koalas and Kangaroos

You can't visit Australia without visiting the Koalas and Kangaroos!  We got a great look at these cute creatures at the Healesville Sanctuary zoo in Melbourne.  As usual, the koalas were sleeping in the trees, while the kangaroos were hoping around.  And then there was the platypus who really provided the entertainment. 

Next we visited the Chocolate factory, where the ice cream and chocolates were incredible.

November 20, 2019 - Tour of Downtown Melbourne

Our next tour took us on a walk through the street of an older part of downtown Melbourne where graffiti is a form or art, and not considered vandalism.  

November 21, 2019 - Hot Temperatures and a Train Ride

On Thursday, our 4th day in Australia, the wind blew from the Australian Outback and the temperature increased to over 40 degrees.  This changed some of the tours we planned, but even in the heat, we still had a great time.  
Our first adventure in the heat was a ride on the Puffing Billy train along the Upper Ferntree Gully.  
I have seen Fern Plants before, but here the Ferns are trees

That afternoon we toured the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.  Since it was so hot and windy, many of the gardens were closed because of risk of starting a forest fire.  But we still saw some beautiful plants and scenery. Here is the group of friends we toured with.

Here is a cool video that summarizes many of the events we enjoyed this week.

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